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The Georgetown Heritage Society’s Annual Holiday Home Tour — Dec. 13 and 14, 2014


HolidayHomeTourLogo-150x150The Georgetown Heritage Society’s Annual Holiday Home Tour will take place Saturday, December 13, from 1-8 p.m. and Sunday, December 14, from 12-5 p.m. In addition to a tour that will feature five homes in Georgetown’s Olive Street National Register Historic District, there will also be a Saturday evening candlelight tour for visitors to stroll Olive Street under the glow of holiday lights and music. Please say “Hi!” to our very own Sarah Short, who will be the house captain for the J.G. Mullen House at 1304 Olive Street

Tickets are $15 each (2 years and older) advance sale, and $20 each (2 years and older) the weekend of the Tour. Tickets may be purchased online or at one of the following physical locations:

Grace Heritage Center
811 South Main Street

Artisans Connect Gallery
122 E 8th Street

Georgetown Antique Mall
110 W 8th Street

Georgetown Visitors Center
103 W 7th Street

The Escape
713 S Main Street

Sun City Community Association
2 Texas Drive

Local area food trucks will be open for snacks, hot chocolate, etc. Hope you can make it and enjoy the Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas!


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