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Holy Cats I saved $30 at HEB!

I’m sure that you, like me, have found yourself oddly drawn to that extreme couponing show on TV.  You know – the one where that super organized lady has the giant binders of coupons she religiously clips – then matches to the double coupons at the store – and then strategically walks out with 5 cartloads of free deodorant that she’s off to donate to the shelter…  And I think…




Wait.  No I can’t.


I do not have the time, inclination, desire, or organizational skills to pull of a feat of that magnitude.  BUT….


I did save $30 last week at HEB.  And the joy!  The rapture!  


It was super easy – just downloaded their new app.  Pre-loaded with products I usually buy…entered my phone number at the register and…  VOILA!  $30 saved.


I’ll never get my own couponing show this way.  But – it did put a smile on my face and a little more jingle in my pocketbook.  Hope this helps you, too!

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