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Should I Remodel or Sell?

Should I Remodel or Sell?  We get asked this question all the time….  Particularly in neighborhoods like Serenada, Oakcrest, Williams, Country Club Estates…


My response is always: what are YOUR PLANS???

  • Do you want to sell now to maximize on the strong seller’s market?
  • Do you just want to make updates that are attractive to today’s buyers so that you can make the most money?
  • Do you want to stay in the home more than 5 years?
  • Is this to keep up with trends or to catch up on deferred maintenance?
  • Is this purely for staging or for remodel?


Depending on your answers – I will provide you the information YOU NEED.  As it’s different with each approach above.

  • When you’re moving, we’ll look at your budget and maximize the investment to put the most dollars in your pocket
  • You don’t ever want to throw good money after bad
  • You want to make sure that buyers want to pay for what you’re doing…  Either in actual dollars, a better buyer, more offers, less time on market…
  • You don’t want to make improvements that will make your home over-improved for the area – so looking at market statistics is very important.  We’re happy to go over this with you…


A bit of help – here you will find the National Association of Realtors Remodeling Impact Survey results here: 2015-remodeling-impact-survey-2015-12-14.  This will give you and idea of what’s most valued by buyers.  Now, some of this is market specific.  Obviously, here in Central Texas the majority of us do not have basement conversions.


If you ever have any questions – don’t hesitate to ask!  We’re here to be your real estate expert and long-term partner.

Talk soon!

Kiersty Signature

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